Flemish industries
carbon circular and low in CO2 by 2050

Climate change is a challenge for our people and our planet. It is a challenge we can only take on together by reducing CO2 emissions. Flanders Industry Innovation Moonshot joins industries, citizens and governments in tackling that challenge.

click here for the introduction by Ann Verlinden


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Flanders Industry Innovation Moonshot

To achieve the Moonshot ambition, industry-driven innovative research is pursued in four Moonshot Research Trajectories. These thematic trajectories reflect the most promising transition paths towards a climate-friendly industry.


All Moonshot projects are intensive, industry-driven collaborations between Flemish universities and research institutes. The projects are grouped into four Moonshot Research Trajectories (MOTs), which represent the most promising transition paths towards the 2050 ambition: a Flemish industry that is carbon-circular and low in CO2. Click the projects below to learn more.